
InCirT GmbH
Corporate Headquarters
InCirT GmbH

About InCirT GmbH

InCirT GmbH provides the state-of-the-art high performance, ultra low power data converters, the best figure of merits featured PLL, DLL and high speed interface as well as other mixed-signal blocks. InCirT has multiple tapeout experiences in different technologies and generates highly sophisticated SoCs including both mixed-signal and ASIC designs. The generated IPs provide high cost and energy efficient solutions as well as high integrability.
InCirT also provides custom-based design IPs which help customers to develop their optimal solutions for their architecture. With the diverse and highly experienced design teams, InCirT can provide several design services in different areas ranging from custom ASIC design to Silicon IP design and verification. InCirT's multigigabit BW and extreme low power dataconverters and sub-ps jitter PLLs leading the best figure of merit IC chips.
Silicon IP Verification IP
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