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13 "OTN" IP

Apodis - OTN Processors
The Apodis family of ITU-T compliant Optical Transport Network (OTN) processors offer termination, processing, framing, multiplexing, demultiplexing and switching of OTN signals, in addition to client...

Gemini - OTN IP Cores
The Gemini product family of OTN processors IP cores are intended and optimized for Premium Services and Access applications. Gemini client ports support one or two Ethernet/SDH signals and multiplexe...

Orion MFH IP Cores
The Orion family of Intellectual Property (IP) Cores are intended and optimized for 4G Mobile Front-Haul (MFH) networks. Orion IP Cores transport the following CPRI signal options according to ITU-T, ...

Scorpion - OSU IP cores
The Scorpion OTN/OSU (Optical Service Units) processors IP cores product family are a member of Tera-Pass product family for access applications. Scorpion OSU processors are offered as integrated s...

Zephyr - OTN IP Cores
Zephyr OTN processors IP cores are intended and optimized for Premium Services networks and Access applications. Zephyr IP Cores support up to 8 client signals and multiplex them to an OTU2 bearer. Th...

Callisto : 100G OTN Muxponder (with AES)
Callisto is a multi-lane muxponder FPGA solution for 10/25/40/100G Ethernet or 10/25/40/100G CBR clients onto Optical Transport Network (OTN). Each lane can be configured independently.

For client...

Callite : 100GE/OTN Transponder (with AES)
Callite is a multi-lane SOC solution to transpond 100GE or CBR100G client onto Optical Transport Network (OTN). Each lane can be configured independently. Each lane core supports mapping of CBR100G c...

Callite-C4 : 400GE/OTN Transponder (with AES)
The Callite-C4 offers a dynamically reconfigurable 400GE or 4x100GE to 4xOTU4, 2xOTUC2 or 1xOTUC4 transponder/muxponder solution. It is a single SOC ASIC/FPGA-based solution. A standard set of softwar...

Spider : 10G multi-channel & multi-protocol mapper
The N x 10G Transponder solution provides a complete solution for up to N lanes of multiple client data transport to a SDH/SONET/Ethernet WIS or OTN network. Each lane is individually, dynamically re-...

XS700 40G OTN Transponder
The Xelic 40G Optical Transport Network (OTN) Transponder provides the flexible transport of signals through a configurable highly integrated subsystem.

XS701 40G OTN Transponder
The Xelic 40G Optical Transport Network (OTN) Transponder provides the flexible transport of signals through a configurable highly integrated subsystem.

XS800 100G OTN Transponder
The Xelic 100G Optical Transport Network (OTN) Transponder provides the flexible transport of signals through a configurable highly integrated subsystem.

XS801 100G OTN Transponder
The Xelic 100G Optical Transport Network (OTN) Transponder provides the flexible transport of signals through a configurable highly integrated subsystem.


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